A Horse is a Horse of Course
unless it's a girl!!
a few weeks back on a saturday morning we ventured out hoping to buy some filing cabinets at a garage sale. having no luck we decided to try out a local second hand store. mary-ella found a toy that she just had to have - it's was priced at 50cents - it seemed like more stuff to clutter up the house but oh well - oh course you can have darling!! when next i turn around ava has this stuffed toy that looks something like a horse but at the same time it looks like a girl. she was holding the toy in a large embrace and swinging from side to side with a huge smile on her face. luke and i looked at each other and knew that this weird looking animal would also be making it's way home with us.
we took the toys up to the counter and i managed to pluck the horse/girl from ava's arms and searched for a price tag. 4 dollars i blurted out!! the lady at the counter smiled and said how about 3? i hadn't meant to barter but i was amazed that a creature such as that commanded such a high price. we agreed, how could we not? ava was in love.
horseygirl as she's now known, has become a permanent fixture around our house. ava loves to sit on the lounge cuddling her, she smiles so loveingly at horseygirl. horseygirl goes to bed with her and if she's been left at home for a few hours ava is always excited to be reunited with her.
while she does love her, poor horseygirl gets a bit of rough treatment. check out the love (and tumble).
by the way - i still haven't got any filing cabinets!!!
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