Beer Fest - State of Origin
Beer Fest was something that was started back in Charleville - it is something akin to wine tasting....but not as bourgeois and there is definatley no spitting!! The process has been refined and changed with time but this Fest was known as State of Origin - 6 beers from 6 different states where pitted against each other and put to the taste test. (For any non-Australians reading Ozzies tend to feel quite attached to beers from their home state and are ready to defend their name and reputation (similar to supporting a sporting team).
In the past we have had blends of local and imported beers as well has an all international fest. This time however was to name a beer and it's State of Origin the winner.
Beers are poured into glasses so that none of the participants can tell which beer is which and guessing (or judging) correctly which beer is which is an important aspect. The best score of the day was 3/6 (round of applause for all those you recieved this score). Admittedly I scored only 1/8 on the all international day......
Pete came up with hardest score card yet....intially you rated your beer out of ten and made a few comments about the flavor, colour and clarity etc but Petey had some very specific categories such as Palette, Aroma, Appearance etc and the total was out of 30.
Drumroll for the winner.........da na na nah......Tasmania with James Boags. Followed by Redback Western Australia. The bottom of the pile was Melbourne Bitter from Victoria.
I think we are the next hosts for Beer Fest - we'd better get planning.......
When you said State of Origin I immediately thought Rugby. Hehehhehe I'm SO not an Aussie! DH is from Townsville, QLD have I mentioned that?
The beer tasting looks like it could be fun if you like beer, and fun if you like watching those who drink beer!
So you bad blogger, get back to being a good little writer and keep us up to date....... we missed you!
thanks kaz......i do love but no so much rugby league and I lothe cricket even more!!!!
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