Monday, January 08, 2007

100 things about me

After being inspired by Amy and some of my fellow photographers and bloggers (check the links to the right) I have compiled a list of 100 things about me. It was tough. It's taken me days. I was surprised by how much ofmy identity is wrapped up in me as mother and wife - but they are the most important things in my life so it stands to reason doesn't it?

Okay here goes....

100 things about me

1. I love red shoes

2. I drink copious amounts of tea.

3. I always wanted a daughter. I got 2!

4. I have a grass is greener mentality and have to force myself to live in the here and now.

5. I can be lazy.

6.I have always talked too much.

7. Vanilla is my favorite flavor ice-cream. Not boring, no no but classic.

8. For breakfast I eat two slices of multi-grain toast with vegemite almost 330 days a year (with a cup of tea.)

9. Sometimes I like the smell of petrol.

10. I love getting mail.

11. I am a magazine junky.

12. I used to hate technology - read scared.

13. I love the internet.

14. I love techonology but can't keep up to date - I'm tech challenged.

15. I love wild thunderstorms and love to watch them roll in over the mountains near my house.

16.I obsess about car accidents and snakes.

17. I want to like long hot baths but they go cold too soon.

18. I'm allergic to daffodils.

19. I can't stand really really loud music.

20.I love to swim laps. I like the loneliness of it and the quiet - I can hear my own thoughts more clearly than anywhere else.

21.I love the night sky but can't be bothered to learn about - hence I didn't last long as a telescope operator at Charleville Cosmos Centre.

22. I lothe dusting and ironing.

23. I was clinically dead as an infant - my lungs collapsed - obviously I was revived!!

24.I long for a beautiful garden but don't actively pursue it.

25. I met my husband during "Asian Studies" at Griffith Uni.

26.I think putting a sticky lollipop on someone elses eyelid (namely my husband) is funny - Luke doesn't.

27. Mary-Ella likes pink marshmellows, I like white - we can share a packet easily.

28. When my girls do something precious I want the moment to last forever.

29.I want to travel more.

30. When others travel I feel sick with envy - not nice but at least I can own it.

31.I love to op-shop and find cool vintage things.

32. I'm scared of heights.

33. I love to fly despite no.32.

34. I have a rule about no TV's in bedroom's.

35. I love the smell of new school books and can't wait to get Mary-Ella's for Year 1.

36. I like the smell of sellotape too.

37. I wear mascara each and everyday - even if I am not going to encounter another human being my lashes with not be naked.

38.I love that I am a woman and a mother - it makes me feel connected to the world.

39. Having coloured pencils in the order they were purchased makes me happy.

40. I truely love rainy days. Luke thinks I'm nuts. I like to read, or get creative around the house. I like going out in the rain. I will always let my kids play in the rain.

41.I love London's public transport - even 18months of it didn't cure me.

42. I'm a day dreamer.

43. I like walking on the beach on rainy days.

44. I love to read literature, classics and modern.

45. My favorite season changes - usually to the opposite of whatever season it is (grass is greener.)

46. I like words - how they sound and what they mean - I have favorites.

47.The love of reading is a gift I hope both my children accept - Mary-Ella has already (proud mumma boast - she can read but hasn't started school yet) - just Ava to go.....

48. I loved high school - english and art - and the social aspect.

49. My numeracy skills are abysmal.

50. Despite my love of english I'm terrible at spelling and had to check abysmal.

51. I love people watching in train stations and airports.

52. I love Triple J (radio station) and love music but an terrible at remembering song titles.

53. I like to get out and about - I get cabin fever if I have to stay at home all day.

54. I used to have a wonderful memory but I fear it's slipping.

55. I cry easily in books, movies, tv shows and songs too. I don't cry so easily about my own life.

56. I'm level headed in a crisis but crumble and go into shock later.

57. I love Wagamama food.

58. My sister in law introduced us to Wagamama in London and I love her for it. I don't get to eat there often but I have their cookbook.

59. Speaking of in-laws - I'm lucky I love mine.

60. I'm blessed with great family and am grateful for that.

61. I make an awful public speaker but can write speeches that aren't too shabby if I do say so myself - that delievery always lets me down....

62.I once lost my favorite scarf on the Tube, an hour later I found a tripped out man wearing it - I shouted "Hey!! That's my scarf" He draped it about my sholders and skipped off. I still have it and it still my fav.

63. I spend too much time on the computer.

64. I couldn't stand being pregnant - except the kicking- that was nice.

65. I always wanted to be born into an Italian family and grow up in Italy.

66. Sometimes I have romantic notions. See no.65.

67. Sometimes I am very unkind to myself and often feel guilty for all sorts of things (Catholic upbringing?????)

68. I'm blonde and live in Australia.

69. I love BIG books stores - Ahhh the possiblilities.....

70. Most of the time street threate (mimes/buskers etc) makes me feel embarrassed- I move on quickly.

71. Before children I was always the first person awake- no matter where I lived...

72. I have moved about 29 times.

73. I am 30.

74. I have lived in two countires, 2 states, 4 cities and 3 towns.

75. I wish I was smater/funnier/thinnner ......

76. I'm afraid of getting really old but not so much of death.

77. I am afraid of dying before my children grow up. I want to be there for them for everything.

78. I love that my friends are a mix of the new and the old and dear. Friendship is supremely important to me and I love that each person brings something unique and special to the relationship.

79. I miss my Nan, her stories, our talks, her unconditional love and just resting my hand on her arm.

80.I'm becoming addicted to blogs. Never thought that would happen.....

81. I'm jealous of the shopping I see in the US and very few companies ship internationally.....

82. I'm interested in people and am infinately surprised at the diversity of perspectives and beliefs others hold.

83. I have a tatoo that I regret.

84. I'm not at all competitive and it sometimes means I get left behind.

85. I love lists.

86. I don't like cleaning out my Inboxes - email/phone or otherwise.

87. I wish I had more time and money.

88. I wish I was more of an activist and more charitable. Prehaps if no.87 comes true I will follow through.

89. I don't want to be filthy rich - it disgusts me that some people have so much and others have nothing.

90.I'm generally happy but like revelling in melancholy for short periods.

91.I used to bite my nails - badly - grew them for a few years until I had the girls. They are finally growing for the first time in years.

92.I'm struggling with this list.

93. I love the light at sunset.

94. I've mananged not to mention photography so far but can't neglect it any longer. I'm passionate about capturing portraits and photography makes up a huge part of my life and I feel so lucky I found what it is that makes me happy.

95. We don't own a video camera and when I think about all that I have missed of the girls I feel sick. I think this will become one of my greatest regrets in life. We NEED a video camera.

96. I look for beauty everywhere I go.

97. I wish I knew what the future had in store - but I think the journey is much better not knowing.

98. Usually I make good decisions about my life.

99. I could take more risks but maybe my decisions would be more flawed.

100. My life is far from perfect but with all it's flaws and inadquesies it's still a pretty charmed life - one that I wouldn't be willing to swap or change for anything. My life's a good one.

This was a lot harder than I thought but I think I learnt a few things about myself and feel pretty good after completeing it. Thanks for challenge!!


Blogger Amanda said...

Wow! This one seems like you spent so much time on it. There is really some beautiful stuff in here. I love it! tfs!

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great list! Isn't it fun to do? I had so much trouble keeping mine relatively free of husband and children too.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...I may have left two comments, sorry!

You have such a great list, Sheila. time to think, I miss it too.

You seem to have such a graceful presence, I really like that about you.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great list Sheila, i knew you were Australian, but I did not know you were blonde! Thanks for sharing.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goblot said...

LOL We are all so alike and so different.

I tried Wagamama in London & I liked. Didn't know they had a cookbook....

3:36 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

I love these lists everyone's doing. I think I'll give it a try. Yours was so interesting, and you really have a beautiful way with words. Julie said it well, you seem to have such a graceful presence...i agree! Glad we're friends!

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fun list, Sheila! I'm so enjoying reading everyone's lists.

#3 - me, too! I love having girls. I so relate to #6, 47, 51, 69, 80, 85

5:38 PM  
Blogger Mary-Ella said...

Thanks guys!! You've made my day!!

1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi sheila, read your list. Sounds great. I actually learnt some things about you i never knew. I think i will have an attempt at it too and reflect on that.
love b

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the banner and the list is great! What a great idea!!

3:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the banner and the list is great! What a great idea!!

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are quite an intellectual and have a way with words! Some of your phrases left me with vivid imagery... thanks for that!

12:25 PM  

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