Sunday, September 02, 2007

Passport to Brazil

A few days back I got to take some photos for a really exciting project that Tara Castle has been working on.

Tara has collected around 600 Teddies all destined for Brazilian orphanages. The teddies, old and new, have been donated by friends and family and more are welcome. Four shipments have already made their way to Brazil and Tara is working hard to find sponsors to cover the shipping fees - if you know anyone or have any ideas about how to get these bears on their way PLEASE let me know.
Currently the bears are hanging out at Pandemonium They began to get a little crowded at Tara's house so Leisa has given then shelter at the coolest cafe in Paddington until their departure dates are finalised.

This is Tara's second huge charity project - earlier in the year Tara along with two friends brought about the "The One-Armed Cookbook" - a collection of easy recipes from mums, dads, friends, family, chefs and even a few celebrities ....100% of the profits go to the Perinatal Research Centre at the Royal Brisbane and Woman's Hospital. Stop by and check it out.

Here are just a few of the little guys that are awaiting a ticket to Brazil.

This little guy really tugged at our heartstrings!! He needs a name.....

Please contact me or Tara (via Pampered ) if you can donate any bears (any colour, shape or design - just not too huge!) Please contact us if you can help with shipment or have any leads to individuals or company's that might be able to assist.

Don't forget to stop by The One-Armed Cookbook website to get your copy!


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